To have a real-time check on the number of interviews conducted including the number of interviews that have been dropped or not conducted, to bring about change for the better in the form of improvement and simplification of the process of telephonic interview, CATI research methodology is one of the best research tools for market research.
By making use of this service an organization can be confident of collecting data high in quality. EPSI Data Collection Services has a group of professional market researchers to ensure and deliver the apt and ready to handle any CATI research project whatsoever. We consider every opportunity is a real time check for us, regardless of size or scope designed for both Business-2-Business (B2B) and Business-2-Customer (B2C) targets, to prove thus turning the opportunity into win-win situation for both of us.
Always our aim is to minimize the operational and business risks of offshore CATI state of art infrastructure, cutting edge technology, superior manpower and world class processes. At the same time we make sure to facilitate assimilation of high-quality data in lesser time, more accurate data collection, through thorough control on the different stages when conducting an interview. Hence, ensuring representative sampling and deliver faster turnaround is highly instrumental.