What Are In Depth Interviews And How Are They Useful For A Business?
In depth interviews can be defined as an interaction and a dialogue between two people, in which the researcher formulates certain questions related to the subject under investigation, while the investigator verbally provides the information that is requested.
The in depth interviews is part of the CATI Research Methodology. It is an unstructured and direct technique to obtain information. A qualified expert interviewer interviews a single person to freely obtain their thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, feelings, dreams, and motivations, about a certain topic. It is directed towards understanding the perspectives that the interviewees have regarding their lives, experiences, or situations, expressed in their own words.

CATI Research Methodology Is Recommended For:
- For product test cases where it is required to know in depth the experience of confidential, delicate, or embarrassing topics (Example dentures), situations where there is a rigid social norm where the interviewee can be easily influenced by the group)
- Difficulty in recruiting groups, difficult to get people to a place, very busy people. In this case, it is easier to make an appointment with the interviewee, at her office or workplace.
- Complex behaviours where deep knowledge is desired, for example, purchasing process or decision making.
- Competitors from the same sector, where it is not feasible to bring them together for a focus group.
- Potential customers.
In Depth Interviews- Types Of Techniques Used:
- Free or non-directed interview – The interviewee does not use the interview guide in a specific way, he simply directs the interviewee towards the areas of interest of the investigation. It must be controlled so that the interviewee does not deviate too much from the topics to be discussed.
- Semi-structured interview – The guideline of the interviews with specific questions is followed. The order and duration of the questions depend on the development of the interview itself. This must be as natural and fluid as possible.
The script must be structured based on the hypothesis and the objectives of the research, it must include an introduction where the interviewer discloses the purpose of the interview, its structure, and its scope. The interviewees need to be clear that all the information obtained will be analyzed carefully and carefully, always bearing in mind the confidentiality of the information obtained.
The Script Must Contain All The Topics To Be Studied.There Are Different Types Of In Depth Interviews, Among Which The Following Stand Out:
- Escalation- In this type of interview, it is a question of advancing the characteristics of the object of investigation, finally coming together in the main focus of interest of the study.
- Symbolic analysis – The interviewee will attribute a meaning to a series of objects or attributes that the interviewer will develop throughout the interview.
- Biographical interview – Very extensive, it can cover several days or even months, and in which the interviewee has to recount his vital experiences developed in different phases throughout his life.
If handling this research on your is difficult, contact EPSI data collection services today to make the data collection and marketing research easier.
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